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Dealing with fatigue, pain, and brain fog from chronic illness and want to feel better?


Liz wearing a black shirt with her hands at prayer over her heart

You're in the right place. As long as you aren't afraid of a little woo-woo. 

I know that psychedelics are touted as a magic cure, but lots of people are finding that psychedelics-on their own-aren't as magical as they thought? 

That's because psychedelics are the catalyst, the open door, the magic portal. But it's up to you to walk through and find the magic on the other side. 

If you want to reduce inflammation, alleviate symptoms, and find better quality of life AND you're open to the woo (even just a little), we might be a good fit. 

psychedelic therapy, psychedelic integration, chronic illness, yoga therapy, somatic coaching, creativity, productivity, wellness coaching, mind body coaching, feeling stuck, chronic stress, chronic pain, autoimmune disease, stress, plant medicine, healing, heal, wellbeing, online coaching, United States, United Kingdom


There is no magic cure...

But psychedelics, when used with intention, come pretty damn close!

I can hear you thinking: That doesn't sound very magical...

But on the other side creativity, inner peace, energy, and deep healing is waiting for you. 

If that isn't magical, I don't know what is!

Liz Shuler

I won't lie to you, it takes more than just the dose. 

It takes consistancy, vulnerability, and commitment before and after your psychedelic experience. The only way forward is through. And wading (or swimming) through all of your shit can be scary and overwhelming. 

If you want to make the most of your psychedelic experience and find relief from your symptoms, I can help.

How do I know that?

I've been there. I've dealt with fatige, pain, and a myriad of symptoms from chronic illness most of my life. And it wasn't conventional medicine that got me through it. Not fully, anyway.

The woo-woo got me through.

  • Yoga got me through.
  • Mindfulness got me through. 
  • Reiki & tarot got me through.
  • Shadow Work got me through.
  • And Psychedelics have alleviated symptoms in a way that feels magical. 

I needed to get to the root of the problem: trauma and inflammation. I needed to process the trauma that launched my illnesses in my body and in my relationships.

I'm not saying my life is perfect or that I don't have struggles. I still deal with some symptoms. 

But I have practices and tools to manage them. 

I know how to thrive, even in the face of struggles. 

Liz Shuler

I have worked with people from all walks of life, including explorers, entrepreneurs, creatives, and seekers, from all over the world.

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Liz Shuler

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